InformaCast® Mass Notification Now Offered with AtlasIED IPX Series

AtlasIED is now a distributor of InformaCast from Singlewire Software
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Phoenix – Dec. 18, 2020 – Your safety and communication plan is only as effective as the tools and systems you have in place to get the message out when an emergency occurs. A speaker with nothing behind it isn’t particularly useful; the same goes for a mass notification system that isn’t connected to any endpoints. You need an integrated solution that brings together all your disparate systems and devices into a single tool for emergency communications.

That’s why AtlasIED is now offering InformaCast mass notification software with its IPX series of products. InformaCast complements the IPX platform of IP endpoints by delivering audio and visual alerts to on-premises and mobile devices. This greatly expands an organization’s reach to ensure no one misses a message during a critical situation. IPX and InformaCast integrate seamlessly with existing VoIP and other traditional networks, enabling integrators to easily implement a complete emergency notification system within schools, healthcare facilities, and industrial environments.

With this partnership, AtlasIED representatives will gain several key features and use cases, including automated weather alerting from the National Weather Service, broadcast audio to IP phones, robust notifications to and from mobile phones, and integrations with collaboration platforms like Cisco Webex Teams and Microsoft Teams,” said Pat Scheckel, EVP Product Management and Marketing at Singlewire Software.

InformaCast and IPX can be used to help organizations across a wide range of industries send alerts about events that impact people’s safety. Whether it is an active shooter, severe weather, medical emergency, or another crisis, InformaCast and IPX can deliver the information people need to stay out of harm’s way, mitigating risk and downtime.

As a natural extension of our IPX Series, the InformaCast software helps integrators provide their commercial customers with an enhanced mass communications solution, with advanced emergency notification features,” said Alex Puorro, VP of IP Endpoints for AtlasIED. “The software amplifies the capabilities of not only IPX endpoints, but an entire communications network, making the IPX-InformaCast combination a great life safety addition for schools, industries, and healthcare facilities.”

Intrusive audio alerts, combined with visual cues, offer organizations the best opportunity to grab people’s attention and overcome potential challenges when broadcasting emergency alerts. Audio can force people to stop what they’re doing and listen, and speakers placed strategically throughout facilities help deliver information immediately, instead of waiting or hoping for someone to look at their mobile device. In noisy environments where audio can be difficult to hear, visual signals help provide an additional method for getting people to notice that an incident has occurred. AtlasIED and InformaCast offer organizations an easy way to leverage these two communication methods, along with a host of other tools to get the right information in front of the right people exactly when they need it.

Learn more about AtlasIED IPX series and InformaCast.
