Automate daily tasks and bell schedules.

Repetitive manual tasks drain valuable time and resources. The bell system scheduling tool within our InformaCast software helps schools, manufacturing facilities, businesses, healthcare organizations, and other institutions automate routine tasks to make the best use of time.

A flexible and effective bell system.

School Bell System

For school administrators, scheduling school bells can be a hassle. Systems are either outdated or not flexible enough to meet unique needs. Taken to the district level, the complications only compound—a set-it-and-forget-it tool can solve these problems.

InformaCast offers a bell system that thousands of schools use to configure their schedules for an entire year. It connects to existing overhead speaker systems to play a wide variety of audio tones, bells or music. Make exceptions for weeks impacted by exams, holidays, or late starts so tones don’t play when buildings are unoccupied. Schedules can also be easily adjusted from the web console or mobile app to account for delays or closings due to severe weather.

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Daily Announcements

Like shift changes and school bells, organizations may have other regular tasks that occur on a less frequent basis. Healthcare organizations can use it to automate audio announcements for visiting hours, and businesses can use it for simple reminders such as “No parking in visitor slots,” “Staff meeting in 15 minutes,” or even a quarterly, “Change the conference room air filters.” InformaCast offers unparalleled flexibility to help relieve the burden of daily tasks.

Shift Changes

In manufacturing environments, the bell system scheduler can be used to facilitate smooth shift changes and other routine events. Setting this as a regular function frees up officials to spend more time on other safety initiatives. Customize bell tones and volume to ensure it’s audible in the noisiest environments.

Night Bell

Alert off-hour workers about important calls with the InformaCast night bell feature. When someone calls outside of normal hours, a tone can be played throughout a building’s overhead paging system or desk-phone network to alert people of an incoming call. The call can be answered at any desk or by remotely dialing the directory number from another phone in the building. This is particularly helpful for overnight security team members who are often away from their station.

Safety and communication solutions that extend beyond bells.

Bells are likely not the only communication challenge your organization is facing. InformaCast is a complete notification and incident management platform that can help you address all your safety and communication needs. Discover how we help you save money, streamline communications and enhance safety with an all-in-one solution.