Singlewire Software Partners with IdentiSys to Offer Security System Integration with InformaCast®

Singlewire Software partners with Identisys for security system integration with InformaCast
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Madison, Wis. – Aug. 23, 2021 – IdentiSys, a local sales and support provider for identification, security, and tracking solutions across the United States, has entered a new partnership with Singlewire Software, a leading mass notification technology developer, to offer InformaCast mass notification alert capabilities with existing and new security systems offered by IdentiSys.

InformaCast from Singlewire is a powerful mass notification solution that reaches people on their mobile and on-premises devices. InformaCast transforms devices on any network into a powerful system for IP paging and emergency alerting. The InformaCast software can integrate with many existing systems to reach people on every channel.

We are excited to bring the capabilities of InformaCast to our customers,” said Michael Shields II, President and CEO of IdentiSys. “This partnership with Singlewire allows IdentiSys to offer more value and features that complement our existing product portfolio offerings.”

With InformaCast, IdentiSys can provide a solution for safety and security issues that many organizations face, including active shooter situations, scheduled notifications, panic button notifications, severe weather alerting, 911 alerting, building lockdown, building evacuation, paging/intercom, and more.

Addressing safety issues continues to be a top priority for organizations around the world,” said Paul Shain, President and CEO of Singlewire Software. “By partnering with IdentiSys more organizations will be able to leverage advanced security solutions that help them reach all of their people as quickly as possible with the information they need to stay safe.”

About IdentiSys
Founded in 1999, IdentiSys Inc. offers complete identification, security and tracking solutions, including most applications using a plastic card, ID badge, metal tag, or biometric. Its divisions include Gebco Hawaii, LINSTAR, and ID Connection, serving the reseller marketplace. The Eden Prairie, Minnesota Company is North America’s largest supplier of security, ID and card solutions to end users, representing over 70 key identification, card fulfillment and security suppliers while providing superior service and support to over 75,000 customers in corporate, education, healthcare, financial, government, gaming and many other markets.

IdentiSys is a member of Identification Systems Group (ISG), Identification Systems Dealer Association (ISDA), National Association of Campus Card Users (NACCU), Photo Marketing Association (PMA), Professional Security Alliance (PSA), and National Systems Contractors Association (NSCA); Gebco Hawaii is a member of BindRite Dealers Association; ID Connection is a member of Security Industry Association (SIA).
