UI Enhancements for InformaCast® Message Templates

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Message Template Updates

At Singlewire Software, we know that keeping people safe and informed is dependent on tools that make it easy to build, edit and send messages with critical information. That’s why we are making changes to the user interface for the message template builder with InformaCast Fusion. This change will go into effect following a software update on May 18, 2022. Read on to see what the new UI for InformaCast message templates will look like and how these changes create a more user-friendly experience.

Content and Recipients


Recognizing that the person who creates a message template may not always be the same person who sends out a message at the onset of an incident, the new interface offers the ability to select certain criteria for the sender to include when they prepare a message. This includes the type of content that should be included in the message, the channels used to distribute the message, and the recipients that will receive the message. These options are presented in easy-to-recognize tiles, which will only show the options selected by the person who configured the message to help minimize the risk of the sender not knowing what they should do when prepping the message.

Notification profiles can now also be selected and modified within message templates. If prebuilt profiles are modified, they can be saved over the previous profile configuration or saved as a new profile. Channels selected for a notification profile will be the only options that surface for a person sending a message associated with that profile, but they will have the power to select the channels most relevant for sending the message. This streamlines the process of building and sending messages, reducing pain points and improving the overall user experience for system administrators and designated senders.

Locking and Visibility

To ensure that only the relevant fields are utilized when a sender prepares a message, certain fields can be locked, so they are visible to the person sending the message, but the sender cannot change those fields. Eyeball icons that are present in the current UI will no longer appear in the new UI. Visible fields will be determined by the person building the message template.

What This Means for InformaCast Customers

The most significant change outside of the visual appearance is that senders will be able to modify the channels they are using to send a message at the time they are sending a message, an option that is not available with the current interface. Many customers have requested this ability, and we are excited to make it available when this update goes live. Full documentation and video resources will be available upon release in the Singlewire Support Community if customers need assistance navigating the new updates. InformaCast customers can also look forward to enhanced reporting for their notification history and the ability to send from the InformaCast app available for Windows and Mac desktop computers. More details on those new features will be available on May 19, 2022.